Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Indie Jewelry @ Pixie!

We have a great selection of indie jewelry at Pixie! From punky to prissy, we have something for everyone

Our best seller (pictured below) is the heart padlock necklace made by friend of Pixie, Marty Flint.

Meet Pixie!

Pixie is the new sister company of Party In Our Pants!

We specialize in cool clothes for cool chicks! Independent fashion, trendy accessories and hot jeans combine to make a fantastic shopping time.

We will be doing home parties, trunk shows, sample sales, fundraisers and more! We are launching our catalog for direct sales this summer, so keep an eye out for that.

There's all sort of fun stuff coming up for Pixie. You're in for a treat!

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WHO: trendy and fashionable young women

WHAT: cute clothes and fun events

WHEN: all the time!!!

WHERE: locations around the country, your home

HOW: email us to set up a party or become a rep