Over here in the midwest, the weather seems to be bipolar- one minute is teases us with a glimpse of warm breezy days then pulls back and launches a snow attack on us. What's a stylish girl to do? The minute I packed my winter hats away in the closet, I find myself scrambling for my chunky knit cap to protect my new hair do from the rain.
One bonus, it does allow me to show off my cute polka dot umbrella one more time. Leave it to me to find the positive here, kids!
So this leaves me with this predicament...how can I still look cute with this mood-swinging weather???
I don't know about the other ladies out there, but I'm a big fan of keeping a small stash of clothes in my car, just in case of fashion emergencies. Ya know, it gets cold and I happen to have a spare denim jacket to add to my dress or a must-have pair of ballet flats to swap after a long day of platform heels.
It may seem silly or overdoing it, but trust me here, girls- so many times I've thanked buddha that I had that in the back of my trunk. Or at the very least my blistered feet thanked him.
Emergency Fashion Kit Ingredients (feel free to mix it up and add your own spice):
- Flats or flipflops: I never leave home without my pair in the trunk.
- Casual Hoody
- Pair of flashy earrings: These can make even a jeans & tee combo swank!
- Headband and hair tie: Saved me from many a goofy-hair day.
- Lip balm: This also doubles as a buffer if you get nasty blisters from your hot heels.
- Fitted jacket/blazer: this is with the flashy earrings. I keep a little fitted velvet blazer in the car and I can go from school (with jeans & tee) to happy hour and look like a trendy vixen!!!
- Oil blotting sheets: shiney face= ick, need I say more?
- Knit hat & gloves: only for you chicks in the cold weather, but I learned to leave some in my car after my fingers started cracking from forgetting a pair when I left home.
- Leggings: Seriously, leggings are better than sliced bread! I'm a big fan of naked legs but sometimes that sounds like a great idea in the morning when I leave but then a miserable one when it decides to snow out of nowhere. I bought an extra pair to leave in the car, just in case.
- Umbrella: Uh, another lesson learned the hard way.
Now toss all your stock into a Rubbermade tote or laundry basket. You will be soooo glad you did!
Here's to hoping Spring hurries up and gets here!!!!
Love Pixie
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